Reducing Huge Body Fat with Halle Berry!

Reducing Huge Body Fat with Halle Berry!

Halle Berry has one of the good-looking bodies in Hollywood. She shows beauty and wellness. Halle Berry’s had properly prepared for some fantastic character that revealed off her sexy body program, like the X-Men movies, Catwoman, and Swordfish. Her body is a visible mix of leanness, muscle, and feminine curves. Few people know she has diabetes, but she does a wonderful job in managing the disease. Through weight-loss diet routine strategy and regular workouts, Berry keeps the disease at bay.

You’d also never think that she is 44 years old and a mother. Age does not seem to impact her and it most likely can be acknowledged to her weight-loss diet routine strategy and fitness training as well.


Halle Berry’s Workout Routines!

Halle Berry is fortunate enough to perform with Celebrity physical trainer, Harley Paskternak, founder of the 5 Aspect Diet Plan. She also qualified with Celebrity health trainer, Ramona Braganza, for the X-Men movies whose amazing clients include Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, Zac Efron, and Anne Hathaway.

When doing her fitness workouts with health trainer Ramona, Halle Berry follows the 3-2-1 Fitness Training Method, that attach in of cardio exercise, workouts, and core work. Halle’s routine exercise contains cardio workouts come apart with weight training workouts.

Workout RoutineCircuit 1 consists of ten minutes on the stairclimber, followed by three rounds of chess presses, step-ups, and lunges. Rest for 30 seconds between each round.

 Workout RoutineCircuit 2 consists of ten more minutes of cardio, like jumping rope. Follow the cardio with three rounds of dumbbell rows, squats, and squat thrusts.

 Workout RoutineCircuit 3 is ten minutes of jogging, followed by core work. Halle does 10 minutes of ab work, including the bicycle maneuver, which is one of the most effective ab exercises, according to the American Council on Exercise.


Lose Stomach Overweight

Envy Halle’s abs? Well she has Celebrity weight loss trainer Joe Dowdell whose clients contains Eva Mendes, Natalie Portman, Anne Hathaway and Claire Danes, to thank for that! Halle’s doctor shows how you can get Halle Berry’s amazing abs.


He shares Halle’s abs workout routines below:

Exercise program for Abs #1: Side Plank

While on a mat, lean on your right side with your forearm and your elbow placed directly under your shoulder. Then place your legs one atop the other so your legs, knees, hips and your left arm are in a straight line. Push your right forearm down and squeeze your glutes as you lift your hips into the air. Hold the position for 30 seconds to a minute. Then repeat on the other side of your body with your left arm. Do 3 sets of 30-60 second reps on each side.

Exercise Programs for Abs #2 Mountain Climbers

Get into a push up position with hands placed shoulder width apart. Bring one knee in towards your chest and raise your heel to rest your weight on the balls of your feet and hands. Then jump up and switch your feet in mid air by bringing your forward foot back and your back foot forward. When you switch feet make sure to keep your back straight and your shoulders and hips parallel with the floor. Do 3 sets of 30-45 second reps on each side.

Exercise Programs for Abs #3: Swiss Ball Crunch

You will need a stability ball for this last exercise. Sit on the ball with your feet flat on the floor. Then walk your feet towards you and roll your back on the ball until your lower back is sustain on the ball. Place your fingertips behind your ears and slowly raise your torso. Keep your elbows wide and make sure your lower back is in contact with the ball. Take 2 seconds to rise up and 2 seconds to lower down again. Repeat 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

After you complete each balanced exercise, relax for a little while to a minute to give your body time to get well.


Halle Berry’s Celebrity Diet!

Halle Berry said in Harper’s Bazaar that she is “always had to use diets strategy plan” to keep her program in an excellent condition, and she questions those who say it comes normally. Halle Berry’s dieting remains away of junk food. It helps her handle her disease and stay in healthy shape.

The 5 Factor Diet Plan, produced by fitness instructor Harley Paskternak, is a strong well-rounded plan that many busy people, such as Celebrities are following. It involved 5 key elements to bodyweight loss:

A 5 Week Weight Loss Plan

5 Meals a Day

5 Ingredient Meals

25 Minute Fitness Exercise Program

5 Cheat Days in 5 Weeks

The weight-loss routine seems to be very helpful, if you would like to try it out.